Power surges are a common inconvenience that happens in your home all of the time. 大多数时候,你甚至都不会注意到他们. 直到在 错误的 time, and your electrical systems — and you — pay the price of unpreparedness. If you’re looking to keep your home and electrical systems safe and secure, call on 欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 电 to schedule a whole-home surge protection system installation.
Our experts specialize in surge protection installation services in Charlotte, NC. 在线欧博体育allbet 安排今天的约会!
当你连接到阿科斯塔欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 电涌保护器安装, our team will arrive promptly to perform a full assessment of your home’s electrical systems. 通过我们的评估, our team can determine the best course of action to protect your home, 包括安装什么系统, 它将在哪里提供最好的服务和保护, and what type of power surges your home is likely to experience.
一旦我们制定了最有效的计划, our certified electrical contractors will get to work integrating your new surge protection system with your electrical panel, providing your home with powerful and dependable protection for all sources of a power surge.
对全屋电涌保护感兴趣? 联系阿科斯塔欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 今天的电气 for surge protection installation in Charlotte, NC!
非常,实际上. The average home experiences dozens of power surges in a single day, 由闪电和风暴引起的, or even by simply operating a high-draw appliance like a microwave. While most surges happen without you ever even noticing, the problem with power surges is that it only takes 一个 happening at a bad time for your computer to get fried or your lights to die prematurely. 另外, small-scale power surges account for considerable electrical wiring and appliance wear and tear, resulting in shorter electrical system life spans.
Can I DIY Whole-Home Surge Protector Installation?
Outside of choosing to use surge protector power strips in addition to a whole-home system, 房主不应该尝试自己动手做 任何 电气工程. Even the simplest electrical tasks can expose you to serious risks of harm, 包括电击, 电刑, 家庭电气火灾.
And even should you perform the job 安全, electrical installations demand 极端的 正确运行的精度. A miscalculation or misstep could seriously damage your home’s electrical systems and wiring as a whole, costing you substantially more in the long run than simply hiring a professional who can get the job d一个 swiftly, 安全, 和成本效益.
Ready to hire a professional for your whole-home surge protector install? 联系阿科斯塔欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 电 获得最优质的服务!
Whole-House 过载保护 Installation and Services in the Greater Charlotte Area
As a long-standing HVAC and electrical services provider, Acosta has been putting the needs and safety of clients first since day 一个. We prioritize what works best for you and your home, streamlining and customizing our services to provide a tailored experience for each client. Whether you’re looking for whole-house surge protector installation, 或者你需要学习更多, reach out to our trained experts for the services and answers you need.
今天就开始吧. 现在在线欧博体育allbet到 schedule electrical surge protector installation, or call us to speak with a local electrician in Charlotte now!
What’s the difference between a power strip and a surge protector?
The short answer is power strips give you multiple outlets to power your devices. Surge protectors guard against power surges by redirecting electricity spikes into the ground instead of going through the electrical devices plugged into them.
Though power strips are less expensive than surge protectors, they do not protect your valuable electronic equipment against damage due to electrical power surges that can happen a dozen times a day. Surge protectors and power strips look a lot alike, so it’s easy to confuse the two. 然而, surge protectors have a Joule energy rating on the strip or box that shows the maximum voltage they can handle from powers spikes. If there’s no number listed, you’re looking at a power strip.
The best option is to have a whole-home surge protection system in place, 我们阿科斯塔供热公司的团队, 冷却 & 电气将很乐意帮助你.
是的, like most household devices, surge protectors are not designed to last forever. They eventually wear out and need to be replaced.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to tell if a surge protector has worn out. You can’t simply measure how m任何 Joules the surge protector has left, and you can’t tell how m任何 surges it’s absorbed.
Most experts suggest replacing surge protectors every two years. Have your surge protector replaced immediately if you’ve had several power outages or if there’s been a nearby lightning strike.
What equipment does and doesn’t need a surge protector?
Electronic devices plugged directly into an outlet are susceptible to serious damage from electrical surges. Surge protectors help extend a device’s life span and protect it from lightning strikes, 电网故障, 还有停电.
A good rule of thumb is that 任何 high-end electronic device, 比如电脑, 电视, 监控, 还有游戏机, 应该使用电涌保护器吗. 像灯这样的小配件就不需要了, as the worst that can happen with a power surge is a blown light bulb.
Have additional questions about surge protection for your Charlotte, NC area home? 联系阿科斯塔欧博平台allbet官方,冷却 & 电网络 今天或打电话给我们 704.665.5998 了解更多.